Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Two prisoners...One jailer .... a ringside seats to both releases

"It falls on but a few, to put it quite immodestly, to be on hand for the release of two prisoners, shackled by the same jailer, on opposite sides of the globe," as Short Takes Long Memories grabs a ringside seat first at the Liberation of Goa in 1961 and then, 13 years later, at the Carnation Revolution in Portugal as a colony and its coloniser are freed from the same jailer - the dictatorial Salazarist regime of Portugal, on opposite sides of the globe.

A ringside view of the passage to India of Goa from prized jewel in the Ultramar Português. It chronicles the tale of a land caught between free India and Salazarist Portugal based on the reminiscences of a civil servant and diplomat.

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